Home > Board of Directors
Board of Directors
The Board of Ma Wan Park Limited has a membership of 10 directors with appointment period of 14 May 2024 - 13 May 2027 (both days inclusive).
ChairmanMr. LEE Luen Fai, BBS, JP
MembersDeputy Secretary (Planning and Lands)/DEVB (Mr. TSANG Chun Man, Frank)
Deputy Secretary (Works)/DEVB (Mr. HO Ying Kit, Tony, JP)
Mr. MA Kam Wah, Timothy, MH, JP
Dr. YEUNG Wai Shing, Frankie, BBS, MH, JP
Ms. Christina Maisenne LEE, JP
Mr. LI Ching Kam, Frederick
Mr. LAM Ka Keung, Henry
Mr. FUNG Chu Hee, Andrew
Mr. TSOI Yuk Man, Desmond